Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CaddonA piece of the user interface
 Caddon_registryLoads and owns addons
 Calive_checkerUtility class for safe checking of region validity
 Canchor_dataRaw data of an anchor (value type)
 CanchorStores a position for a UI region
 Canimated_textureA layered_region that can draw animated sequences
 Catlas_pageA single texture holding multiple materials for efficient rendering
 CatlasA class that holds multiple materials for efficient rendering
 CbackdropDraws borders and background of a frame
 Cbounds2Holds 2D bounds of a region
 CbuttonA frame with a button that can be clicked
 Ccheck_buttonA button with two additional states: checked and unchecked
 Ccode_point_rangeRepresents a contiguous range of unicode code points
 CcolorHolds a single color (float RGBA, 128 bits)
 Ccolor32Holds a single color (byte RGBA, 32 bits)
 Cedit_boxA frame with an editable text box
 Cevent_dataStores a variable number of arguments for an event
 Cevent_emitterGenerates events and keep tracks of registered callbacks
 Cevent_receiverUtility object to store and manage connections to event signals
 CexceptionException to be thrown by GUI code
 CfactoryHandles the creation of new UI objects
 CfontA texture containing characters
 Cfont_stringA layered_region that can draw text on the screen
 Clayer_containerContains gui::layered_region
 Cscript_infoHolds file/line information for a script
 CframeA region that can contain other regions and react to events
 Cframe_containerContainer of frames
 Cframe_core_attributesStruct holding all the core information about a frame necessary for its creation
 Cframe_rendererAbstract class for layering and rendering frames
 CgradientRepresents color gradients
 Ckey_binderBinds global actions to key presses
 Clayered_regionA region that can be rendered in a layer
 Clayout_attributeAn attribute in a layout file
 Clayout_nodeAn node in a layout file
 ClocalizerUtility class to translate strings for display in GUI
 CmanagerManages the user interface
 CmaterialA class that holds rendering data
 Cmatrix4fA 4x4 matrix, used for coordinate transformations
 CquadSimple structure holding four vertices and a material
 CregionThe base class of all elements in the GUI
 Cregion_core_attributesStruct holding all the core information about a region necessary for its creation
 CregistryKeeps track of created UI objects and records their names for lookup
 Crender_targetA place to render things (the screen, a texture, ...)
 CrendererAbstract type for implementation specific management
 CrootRoot of the UI object hierarchy
 Cscroll_frameA frame with scrollable content
 CsliderA frame with a movable texture
 Cstatus_barA frame representing a variable-length bar
 Cstrata_dataContains frames sorted by level
 CtextUsed to draw some text on the screen
 CtextureA layered_region that can draw images and colored rectangles
 Cvector2Holds 2D coordinates
 CvertexHolds position, texture coordinate, and color information for drawing
 Cvertex_cacheAn object representing cached vertex data on the GPU
 Cvirtual_registryKeeps track of virtual UI objects and records their names for lookup
 Cvirtual_rootRoot of the virtual UI object hierarchy
 CdispatcherHandles inputs (keyboard and mouse)
 Cmouse_moved_dataData for on_mouse_moved signal
 Cmouse_wheel_dataData for on_mouse_wheel signal
 Cmouse_pressed_dataData for on_mouse_pressed signal
 Cmouse_released_dataData for on_mouse_released signal
 Cmouse_double_clicked_dataData for on_mouse_double_clicked signal
 Cmouse_drag_start_dataData for on_mouse_drag_start signal
 Cmouse_drag_stop_dataData for on_mouse_drag_stop signal
 Ckey_pressed_dataData for on_key_pressed signal
 Ckey_pressed_repeat_dataData for on_key_pressed_repeat signal
 Ckey_released_dataData for on_key_released signal
 Ctext_entered_dataData for on_text_entered signal
 CsignalsStores signals for input events
 CsourceThe base class for input source implementation
 CwindowRepresents the window in which the UI is displayed
 Cworld_dispatcherGenerates input events for the world, after filtering by the UI
 CexceptionException class
 Cperiodic_timerA repeating timer
 CconnectionObject representing the connection between a slot and a signal
 Cscoped_connectionA connection that automatically disconnects when going out of scope
 CsignalGeneric class for observing and triggering events
 Csorted_vectorSorted std::vector wrapper. This class is a light alternative to std::set. Inspired from: [1] www.lafstern.org/matt/col1.pdf
 CemptyEmpty type, used in the implementation of utils::variant